Skin lumps caused by cysts and lipomas can ruin the appearance of your skin and wreck your confidence. At Eternal Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologist is a cyst removal specialist in Columbia MD and serving surrounding areas. We provides effective cyst removal and lipoma removal so you can enjoy clear, blemish-free skin again. Call the office or book an appointment online today.

Cysts Removal Before and After

What are cysts?

Cysts are closed, thin-walled sacs filled with fluid or semi-fluid material. They are located anywhere on the skin. There are three main types of benign cysts:

Epidermal cysts: Commonly on the face, neck, back, or anywhere on the body. They are freely movable and contain a cheese-like substance.
Trichilemmal cysts: Occur often on the scalp. They are similar but more firm than epidermal cysts.
Milia: Small, firm, whitish lesions on the face and around the eyes. Milia in infants don’t typically require treatment. However, adults may want milia removed for cosmetic reasons.

What are lipomas?

Lipomas are common fatty lumps underneath the skin and over the underlying muscle. They appear anywhere on the body and and soft and doughy to the touch. Although, lipomas occur most often in people ages of 40-60, they can be seen in any age group.

Generally cysts and lipomas they cause no symptoms. However, if they grow large or become infected, they may cause pain by pressing on surrounding nerves or blood vessels.

How do cysts and lipomas form?

Cysts and lipomas have many different causes, including:

Clogged hair follicles
Penetrating injuries
Skin conditions, such as acne and folliculitis
Genetic factors

After we determine your type of lump, we will discuss treatment options.

How are cysts and lipomas diagnosed?

First, we begin with a physical exam to determine the cause of your lump. The doctor presses on the lump to feel its texture and measures the size. In addition, she checks whether it can be moved underneath your skin.
If necessary, we remove a small sample of the lump for testing. As a precaution, after she inspects your skin, our expert dermatologist may take a tissue sample for potential signs of skin cancer.

How are cysts and lipomas treated?

Many small cysts and lipomas do not require treatment. However, you can consider removal if they are large, infected, painful, or for cosmetic reasons. This is typically performed surgically using a small scalpel. Don’t worry, the area will be numbed so you won’t feel a thing. The procedure takes place in our office, and may last about 30 minutes.

Suspicious lumps in your skin may signal cysts and lipomas or more serious concerns — like skin cancer. Call or click to schedule an appointment online today for evaluation and treatment.

If you need lipoma or cyst removal in Columbia MD, contact Eternal Dermatology now.

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Because First Impressions Are Eternal

Dr. Ife Rodney is double board-certified, highly rated, and takes a patient-centered and customized approach to care.  She is a top acne expert and cosmetic dermatologist in Columbia and Howard County, MD. Contact us today to learn how Dr. Rodney can help you look and feel your best.

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